Olen Teksasin jälkeen mielelläni menossa hieman edistyksellisempään Amerikan kolkkaan. Conan kertoi eilen uusintana näytetyssä jaksossa Washingtonin osavaltiosta näin:
Washington. Home of the scrawny sweatervested twenty something fauxintellectual with a loathsome name like "Trent" or "Chance" who reviews Thai fusion cafes for a local free weekly and who shops at tiny Mom and Pop bookstores that sell nothing printed less than five years ago and whose only discernable talent seems to be sipping caramel mochachinos and expounding on how America's local color is tragically vanishing in the jungle of big business gentrification as though his bank account contains a penny that didn't trickle down from Microsoft or Starbucks and oh how they hung on his every word last Friday night at Rachel's gallery opening when he argued how everyone who pays to see a major stupid film is culpable in the murder of true culture. Thanks for the wake up call Fauntleroy.
Jotenkin älykkäämpää kuin Teksasista kertovat vitsit.
Leikkauksen toinen vuosipäivä
14 vuotta sitten
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